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Evaluation of deterministic sampling for uncertainty quantification in a probabilistic accident analysis model
Rahman, S., Karanki, D. R., Wicaksono, D., Zerkak, O., & Dang, V. N. (2016). Evaluation of deterministic sampling for uncertainty quantification in a probabilistic accident analysis model (p. N11P0291 (15 pp.). Presented at the 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11). .
Ranking of uncertain parameters for dynamic event tree analysis: a case study based on a Station Black Out scenario
Rahman, S., Karanki, D. R., Epiney, A., Zerkak, O., & Dang, V. N. (2015). Ranking of uncertain parameters for dynamic event tree analysis: a case study based on a Station Black Out scenario. In 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16) (pp. 5734-5747). American Nuclear Society.
Insights from the SM2A pilot study towards quantification of a change of plant safety margin after a hypothetical power up-rate
Zimmermann, M. A., Dang, V. N., Lanore, J. M., Probst, P., Hortal, J., & Amri, A. (2011). Insights from the SM2A pilot study towards quantification of a change of plant safety margin after a hypothetical power up-rate. In Vol. 3. International topical meeting on probabilistic safety assessment and analysis (PSA 2011) (pp. 2281-2294).
The redox process for producing hydrogen from woody biomass
Sime, R., Kuehni, J., D'Souza, L., Elizondo, E., & Biollaz, S. (2003). The redox process for producing hydrogen from woody biomass. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 28(5), 491-498.