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Validation of Monte Carlo based burnup codes against LWR-PROTEUS Phase-II experimental data
Pecchia, M., Wicaksono, D., Grimm, P., Vasiliev, A., Perret, G., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2016). Validation of Monte Carlo based burnup codes against LWR-PROTEUS Phase-II experimental data. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 97, 153-164.
A collision history-based approach to sensitivity/perturbation calculations in the continuous energy Monte Carlo code SERPENT
Aufiero, M., Bidaud, A., Hursin, M., Leppänen, J., Palmiotti, G., Pelloni, S., & Rubiolo, P. (2015). A collision history-based approach to sensitivity/perturbation calculations in the continuous energy Monte Carlo code SERPENT. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 85, 245-258.
BWR full core analysis with SERPENT/SIMULATE-3 hybrid stochastic/determinstic code sequence
Hursin, M., Rossinelli, L., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2015). BWR full core analysis with SERPENT/SIMULATE-3 hybrid stochastic/determinstic code sequence. In Mathematics and computations, supercomputing in nuclear applications and Monte Carlo international conference (M&C and SNA and MC 2015) (pp. 1794-1806). American Nuclear Society.
Development, verification and test application of a hybrid CASMO-5/SERPENT depletion scheme
Leray, O., Pecchia, M., Vasiliev, A., Ferroukhi, H., Pautz, A., & Perrier, H. (2015). Development, verification and test application of a hybrid CASMO-5/SERPENT depletion scheme. In Mathematics and computations, supercomputing in nuclear applications and Monte Carlo international conference (M&C and SNA and MC 2015) (pp. 1781-1793). American Nuclear Society.
Validation of two Monte Carlo codes for LWR burnup calculations
Wicaksono, D., Grimm, P., Vasiliev, A., Hursin, M., Perret, G., & Ferroukhi, H. (2014). Validation of two Monte Carlo codes for LWR burnup calculations (p. 1105825 (17 pp.). Presented at the International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). .
Comparison of SERPENT and CASMO-5M for pressurized water reactors models
Hursin, M., Vasiliev, A., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2013). Comparison of SERPENT and CASMO-5M for pressurized water reactors models. In Vol. 3. International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2013) (pp. 1565-1576).