| Deep learning techniques for in-core perturbation identification and localization of time-series nuclear plant measurements
Papaoikonomou, A., Wingate, J., Verma, V., Durrant, A., Ioannou, G., Papagiannis, T., … Stafylopatis, A. (2022). Deep learning techniques for in-core perturbation identification and localization of time-series nuclear plant measurements. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 178, 109373 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2022.109373 |
| Recent developments in PSI BEPU analysis for SPERT-III RIA transient: ND uncertainty breakdown and kinetic parameters uncertainty assessment
Dokhane, A., Hursin, M., Vasiliev, A., Rochman, D., & Ferroukhi, H. (2021). Recent developments in PSI BEPU analysis for SPERT-III RIA transient: ND uncertainty breakdown and kinetic parameters uncertainty assessment. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 382, 111378 (14 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2021.111378 |
| Neutron noise spectral features of simulated mechanical and thermal-hydraulic perturbations in a PWR core
Torres, L. A., Chionis, D., Montalvo, C., Dokhane, A., & García-Berrocal, A. (2021). Neutron noise spectral features of simulated mechanical and thermal-hydraulic perturbations in a PWR core. In M. Margulis & P. Blaise (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 247. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future (p. 21001 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124721001 |
| Modelling and analysis of fuel assembly vibrational modes in PWRs using SIMULATE-3K
Verma, V., Chionis, D., Dokhane, A., & Ferroukhi, H. (2021). Modelling and analysis of fuel assembly vibrational modes in PWRs using SIMULATE-3K. In M. Margulis & P. Blaise (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 247. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future (p. 21008 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124721008 |
| Studies of reactor noise response to vibrations of reactor internals and thermal-hydraulic fluctuations in PWRs
Verma, V., Chionis, D., Dokhane, A., & Ferroukhi, H. (2021). Studies of reactor noise response to vibrations of reactor internals and thermal-hydraulic fluctuations in PWRs. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 157, 108212 (19 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2021.108212 |
| Spatial localization of perturbation propagation in LWRs using causality and connectivity analysis
Chionis, D., Dokhane, A., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2019). Spatial localization of perturbation propagation in LWRs using causality and connectivity analysis. In International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2019) (pp. 1960-1969). American Nuclear Society (ANS). |
| Neutron noise analysis of simulated mechanical and thermal-hydraulic perturbations in a PWR core
Torres, L. A., Chionis, D., Montalvo, C., Dokhane, A., & García-Berrocal, A. (2019). Neutron noise analysis of simulated mechanical and thermal-hydraulic perturbations in a PWR core. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 126, 242-252. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2018.11.032 |
| PWR neutron noise phenomenology: part I - simulation of stochastic phenomena with simulate-3K
Chionis, D., Dokhane, A., Ferroukhi, H., Girardin, G., & Pautz, A. (2018). PWR neutron noise phenomenology: part I - simulation of stochastic phenomena with simulate-3K. In Proceedings of the PHYSOR 2018 (pp. 1001-1012). American Nuclear Society. |
| PWR neutron noise phenomenology: part II - qualitative comparison against plant data
Chionis, D., Dokhane, A., Ferroukhi, H., Girardin, G., & Pautz, A. (2018). PWR neutron noise phenomenology: part II - qualitative comparison against plant data. In Proceedings of the PHYSOR 2018 (pp. 1013-1024). American Nuclear Society. |
| Analyses of the SPERT-III RIA experiments with nuclear data uncertainty quantification using three different covariance matrix libraries
Dokhane, A., Vasiliev, A., Rochman, D., Ferroukhi, H., & Grandi, G. (2018). Analyses of the SPERT-III RIA experiments with nuclear data uncertainty quantification using three different covariance matrix libraries. In Proceedings of the PHYTRA4 conference (pp. 91-102). American Nuclear Society (ANS). |
| Validation of PSI best estimate plus uncertainty methodology against SPERT-III reactivity initiated accident experiments
Dokhane, A., Grandi, G., Vasiliev, A., Rochman, D., & Ferroukhi, H. (2018). Validation of PSI best estimate plus uncertainty methodology against SPERT-III reactivity initiated accident experiments. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 118, 178-184. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2018.04.022 |
| Analysis of Oskarshamn-2 stability event using TRACE/SIMULATE-3K and comparison to TRACE/PARCS and SIMULATE-3K stand-alone
Dokhane, A., Judd, J., Gajev, I., Zerkak, O., Ferroukhi, H., & Kozlowski, T. (2017). Analysis of Oskarshamn-2 stability event using TRACE/SIMULATE-3K and comparison to TRACE/PARCS and SIMULATE-3K stand-alone. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 102, 190-199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2016.12.015 |
| Validation of SIMULATE-3K against SPERT-III RIA experiments with quantification of nuclear data uncertainties
Dokhane, A., Leray, O., Rochman, D., Ferroukhi, H., Pautz, A., & Grandi, G. (2016). Validation of SIMULATE-3K against SPERT-III RIA experiments with quantification of nuclear data uncertainties. In Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century (pp. 3803-3812). American Nuclear Society. |
| Validation studies and interpretation of the Oskarshamn-2 1999 stability event with SIMULATE-3K
Dokhane, A., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2016). Validation studies and interpretation of the Oskarshamn-2 1999 stability event with SIMULATE-3K. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 96, 344-353. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2016.06.016 |
| Towards a consolidated approach for the assessment of evaluation models of nuclear power reactors
Epiney, A., Canepa, S., Zerkak, O., & Ferroukhi, H. (2016). Towards a consolidated approach for the assessment of evaluation models of nuclear power reactors. Nuclear Technology, 196(2), 223-237. https://doi.org/10.13182/NT16-47 |
| TRACE/SIMULATE-3K analysis of the NEA/OECD Oskarshamn-2 stability benchmark
Dokhane, A., Zerkak, O., Ferroukhi, H., Gajev, I., Judd, J., & Kozlowski, T. (2015). TRACE/SIMULATE-3K analysis of the NEA/OECD Oskarshamn-2 stability benchmark. In 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16) (pp. 4757-4770). American Nuclear Society. |
| Towards a consolidated approach for the validation of plant system codes and models: case study for a BWR fast depressurisation event
Epiney, A., Canepa, S., Zerkak, O., & Ferroukhi, H. (2015). Towards a consolidated approach for the validation of plant system codes and models: case study for a BWR fast depressurisation event. In 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16) (pp. 2157-2170). American Nuclear Society. |
| Analysis of the OECD/NEA Oskarshamn-2 feedwater transient and stability benchmark with simulate-3K
Dokhane, A., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2014). Analysis of the OECD/NEA Oskarshamn-2 feedwater transient and stability benchmark with simulate-3K. In Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). PHYSOR 2014 – the role of reactor physics toward a sustainable future (p. 1101708 (14 pp.). |
| On out-of-phase higher mode oscillations with rotation and oscillation of symmetry line using an advanced integral stability methodology
Dokhane, A., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2014). On out-of-phase higher mode oscillations with rotation and oscillation of symmetry line using an advanced integral stability methodology. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 67, 21-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2013.11.006 |