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Study of excited <em>Λ</em><sup>0</sup><sub>b</sub> states decaying to <em>Λ</em><sup>0</sup><sub>b</sub>π<sup>+</sup>π<sup>-</sup> in proton-proton collisions
Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Ambrogi, F., Bergauer, T., Dragicevic, M., … Trembath-reichert, S. (2020). Study of excited Λ0b states decaying to Λ0bπ+π- in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 803, 135345 (22 pp.).
Uncertainty quantification and representativity analysis of LWR-PROTEUS Phase III experiments using SHARKX
Hursin, M., Scriven, M., Perret, G., & Pautz, A. (2016). Uncertainty quantification and representativity analysis of LWR-PROTEUS Phase III experiments using SHARKX. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 91, 48-58.
Verification of the new implementations in SHARK-X for reactivity coefficients and relative reactivity worth UQ
Hursin, M., Siefman, D., Perret, G., Grimm, P., & Pautz, A. (2016). Verification of the new implementations in SHARK-X for reactivity coefficients and relative reactivity worth UQ. In Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century (pp. 674-683). American Nuclear Society.
Pinpower uncertainty quantification of LWR-PROTEUS phase III experiments
Hursin, M., Scriven, M., Perret, G., Grimm, P., & Pautz, A. (2014). Pinpower uncertainty quantification of LWR-PROTEUS phase III experiments (p. 1099077 (12 pp.). Presented at the International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). .
Fuel efficient power management strategy for fuel cell hybrid powertrains
Bernard, J., Delprat, S., Guerra, T. M., & Büchi, F. N. (2010). Fuel efficient power management strategy for fuel cell hybrid powertrains. Control Engineering Practice, 18(4), 408-417.