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| An iPWR MELCOR 2.2 study on the impact of the modeling parameters on code performance and accident progression
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| Accelerated Monte Carlo perturbation calculation by surface recovery
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| The iPWR MELCOR 2.2 parametric sensitivity analysis
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| Probabilistic risk assessment for the piping of a nuclear power plant: uncertainty and sensitivity analysis by using SINTAP procedure
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| Physics-based 0D-U-I-SoC cell performance model for aqueous organic redox flow batteries
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| Impact of various source of covariance information on integral parameters uncertainty during depletion calculations with CASMO-5
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| A framework based on statistical analysis and stakeholders' preferences to inform weighting in composite indicators
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| Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the chemistry of cesium sorption in deep geological repositories
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| On data assimilation with Monte-Carlo-calculated and statistically uncertain sensitivity coefficients
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| On nonintrusive uncertainty quantification and surrogate model construction in particle accelerator modeling
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| Determination of sobol sensitivity indices for correlated inputs with SHARK-X
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| Convergence analysis and criterion for data assimilation with sensitivities from Monte Carlo neutron transport codes
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| Producing synthetic natural gas from microalgae via supercritical water gasification: a techno-economic sensitivity analysis
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