Approved by the Lib4RI steering committee on 7 Mar 2018. Download the DORA Content Policy as PDF.
1. General guidelines
- DORA WSL is the institutional repository and bibliography of WSL. As such, all included publications are authored, edited, or published by WSL, its members, or organizational units.
Please note:
- Publications in which the author affiliation is explicitly stated and WSL is not named are not included in DORA.
- Publications written by others about WSL, WSL projects or WSL members are not included in DORA.
- New references are regularly imported from bibliographic databases. Moreover, WSL members can submit new publications for inclusion into DORA at any time.
2. Document types accepted
- Articles in scientific and scholarly journals (accepted and published versions)
This means:
- no preprint versions (author's drafts before peer review)
- no entire (special) issues of journals
- Newspaper and magazine articles
- Books
- Edited books
- Book chapters
- Conference items:
- full conference papers
- conference posters (i.e. a visual stand-alone display of research results at a conference)
- conference proceedings (entire conference proceedings edited by WSL members only)
- excluding conference abstracts (even if published in a scientific journal)
- excluding presentation slides
- Dissertations authored or officially supervised by WSL members
For clarification:
- "Authored by WSL member" means that the author was an WSL employee at the time the thesis was carried out.
- "Officially supervised" means that the persons officially mentioned as supervisors (either on the thesis itself or on external sources) are either cited with an WSL affiliation or were WSL employees at the time the thesis was carried out and their involvement with the thesis was connected to WSL.
- Note that the following publication types are not included in DORA:
- Bachelor-, Master- and Diploma-Thesis
- Internship reports
- Reports (research, statistical or technical reports issued by or at WSL)
3. Document format and length accepted
- PDFs and other text formats that are convertible into PDF/A without any (unacceptable) loss of information.
- Publications of two pages and more, with the exception of 1-page conference posters (publications with fewer than two pages can be accepted on a case by case basis)
- To avoid confusion, we further list document formats that are not accepted in DORA:
- audio and video formats
- research data
- software
4. Metadata and quality control
- All entries in DORA undergo an internal processing procedure. Lib4RI checks new publications for the:
- consistency and completeness of the metadata
- eligibility for inclusion in DORA
- observance of legal norms, in particular copyright and self-archiving guidelines of the publishing houses
- If DORA receives proof of copyright violation, access to the relevant full text will be restricted immediately. Applications to restrict accessibility can be made to the DORA team.
- All metadata in DORA are visible to the public; therefore, only publications whose metadata can be made public are incorporated in DORA.
- Lib4RI individually tags each publication with their:
- version type
- peer-review status
- Peer review is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published. Independent researchers in the relevant research area assess submitted manuscripts for originality, validity and significance to help editors determine whether a manuscript should be published in their journal.
- The peer-review status of a publication is assessed by internal guidelines if not explicitly stated on the publication; corrections can be suggested by giving evidence of a peer-review process
- publication status ("In press" or "Published")
- organizational unit of the involved WSL authors
- Corrections to bibliographical metadata can be suggested to the DORA team.