Shoot and foliage diseases in forest trees. Proceedings of a joint meeting of the working parties canker and shoot blight of conifers (S2.06.02), foliage diseases (S2.06.04), Vallombrosa, Firenze, Italy, June 6-11, 1994

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Capretti, P., Heiniger, U., & Stephan, R. (Eds.). (1995). Shoot and foliage diseases in forest trees. Proceedings of a joint meeting of the working parties canker and shoot blight of conifers (S2.06.02), foliage diseases (S2.06.04), Vallombrosa, Firenze, Italy, June 6-11, 1994. Joint meeting of the working parties canker and shoot blight of conifers (S2.06.02), foliage diseases (S2.06.04). Vallombrosa, Firenze, Italy: Università degli Studi di Firenze.