Böll, A., Gerber, W., Graf, F., & Rickli, C. (1999). Holzkonstruktionen im Wildbach-, Hang-, und Runsenverbau. Birmensdorf: Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft.
The efficiency of timber structures in torrent control and slope stabilisation depends on various factors. A detailed analysis of the natural processes that occur in a catchment, in its torrents and on its slopes, should form the basis of all the planning and design of protective measures. It yields, among other things, the answer to the question of whether timber structures are feasible. The particular characteristics of a given site that influence the growth of wood decomposing fungi, as well as technical considerations provide the basis for choosing suitable structures, wood species and log dimensions. Furthermore, they provide help in deciding whether additional biotechnical stabilisation measures are necessary. In order to fulfil their task, timber structures have to be built with all possible care, and they have to be regularly inspected and properly maintained. This publication describes some of the different problems and possible solutions involved in selecting the best protection measures.