Holthausen, N., & Baur, P. (2003). Naturrisiken im Schweizer Wald: Bewältigung durch eine Solidargemeinschaft? Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL.
The winter storm in 1999 caused 13.8 Mio. m3 of windthrow in Swiss forests, which is almost triple that of average annual felling. The question was raised if insurance or a solidarity fund could contribute to an efficient recovery of such natural events. The object of our study was to investigate the forest owner’s demand for forest insurance or a fund and to explore the general feasibility of such risk transfer. On the basis of a theoretical framework derived from the literature about risk management and insurance we conducted two surveys: a) a representative standardised questionnaire survey of a random sample of forest owners; b) interviews with experts from forestry, insurance industry and forest administration. The results show that the forest owners demand for risk transfer is rather small: 9% of the private and 15% of the public forest owners are interested in forest insurance, while 22% of the private and 19% of the public forest owners show demand for a fund. The experts confirm that under present political and legal conditions forest insurance or a solidarity fund are not promising approaches. We conclude that an accordant revision of the Swiss forest legislation and a change in recovery policy are preconditions to transfer windthrow risk by insurance or a fund. Nevertheless, such a solution could have advantages such as a spread of risk and a reduction of unexpected private and public budget debits.