The European isotope network ISONET: first results

Treydte K, Schleser GH, Esper J, Andreu L, Bednarz T, Berninger F, Böttger T, D'Allessandro CD, Etien N, Filot M, Frank D, Grabner M, Gutierrez E, Haupt M, Helle G, Hilasvuori E, Jungner H, Kalela-Brundin M, Leuenberger M, Loader N, Masson-Delmotte V, Pazdur A, Planells O, Pukiene R, Reynolds C, Rinne K, Saurer M, Sonninen E, Stievenard M, Switsur R, Szczepanek M, Todaro L, Waterhouse J, Weigl M & Wimmer R
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Treydte, K., Schleser, G. H., Esper, J., Andreu, L., Bednarz, T., Berninger, F., … Wimmer, R. (2006). The European isotope network ISONET: first results. In I. Heinrich, H. Gärtner, M. Monbaron, & G. H. Schleser (Eds.), Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Umwelt/Environment: Vol. 61. TRACE. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology. Volume 4. Proceedings of the dendrosymposium 2005. April 21st - 23rd 2005, Fribourg, Switzerland (pp. 273-280). Forschungszentrum Jülich.