Integration of ground-based and remote sensing data to simulate forest carbon fluxes in a Mediterranean area

Chiesi M, Maselli F, Bindi M, Fibbi L, Cherubini P, Arlotta E, Tirone G, Matteucci G & Seufert G
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Chiesi, M., Maselli, F., Bindi, M., Fibbi, L., Cherubini, P., Arlotta, E., … Seufert, G. (2004). Integration of ground-based and remote sensing data to simulate forest carbon fluxes in a Mediterranean area. In H. Hasenauer & A. Mäkelä (Eds.), Modeling forest production - scientific tools, data needs and sources validation and application. Proceedings of the international conference held in Vienna, Austria, 19-21 April 2004 (pp. 80-88). BOKU University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences.