Consequences of the avalanche winter 1999 in Switzerland: the intercantonal early warning and crisis information system IFKIS

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Bründl, M., Etter, H. J., Klingler, C., Lehning, M., Steiniger, M., & Ammann, W. (2004). Consequences of the avalanche winter 1999 in Switzerland: the intercantonal early warning and crisis information system IFKIS. In Vol. 5. 10th congress INTERPRAEVENT 2004. 24 to 27 May 2004. Riva, Trient, Italy. Conference proceedings "Schutz des Lebensraumes vor Hochwasser, Muren, Lawinen und Hangbewegungen" (pp. 71-81). Forschungsgesellschaft für vorbeugende Hochwasserbekämpfung.