Idrocarburi policiclici aromatici negli ecosistemi alpini (progetto MONARPOP)

Belis CA, Magnani T, Bassan R, Jakobi G, Kirchner M, Kräuchi N, Levy W, Moche W, Offenthaler I, Schramm K-W, Schroeder P, Sedivy I, Simončič P, Uhl M & Weiss P
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Belis, C. A., Magnani, T., Bassan, R., Jakobi, G., Kirchner, M., Kräuchi, N., … Weiss, P. (2007). Idrocarburi policiclici aromatici negli ecosistemi alpini (progetto MONARPOP). In C. A. Belis & T. Magnani (Eds.), Monitoring POPS in the Alps. Proceedings of the Conference Monitoring persistent organic pollutants in the Alps: An overview on the situation in Europe, Italy and Lombardy (pp. 27-32). ARPA Lombardia.