Ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic soil fungal biomass are driven by different factors and vary among broadleaf and coniferous temperate forests

Awad A, Majcherczyk A, Schall P, Schröter K, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Ehbrecht M, Boch S, Kahl T, Bauhus J, Seidel D, Ammer C, Fischer M, Kües U & Pena R
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Awad, A., Majcherczyk, A., Schall, P., Schröter, K., Schöning, I., Schrumpf, M., … Pena, R. (2019). Ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic soil fungal biomass are driven by different factors and vary among broadleaf and coniferous temperate forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 131, 9-18.