Congruent patterns of functional diversity in saproxylic beetles and fungi across European beech forests

Hagge J, Abrego N, Bässler C, Bouget C, Brin A, Brustel H, Christensen M, Gossner MM, Heilmann‐Clausen J, Horák J, Gruppe A, Isacsson G, Köhler F, Lachat T, Larrieu L, Schlaghamersky J, Thorn S, Zapponi L & Müller J
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Hagge, J., Abrego, N., Bässler, C., Bouget, C., Brin, A., Brustel, H., … Müller, J. (2019). Congruent patterns of functional diversity in saproxylic beetles and fungi across European beech forests. Journal of Biogeography, 46(5), 1054-1065.