Importance of tree species size dominance and heterogeneity on the productivity of spruce-fir-beech mountain forest stands in Europe

Torresan C, del Río M, Hilmers T, Notarangelo M, Bielak K, Binder F, Boncina A, Bosela M, Forrester DI, Hobi ML, Nagel TA, Bartkowicz L, Sitkova Z, Zlatanov T, Tognetti R & Pretzsch H
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Torresan, C., del Río, M., Hilmers, T., Notarangelo, M., Bielak, K., Binder, F., … Pretzsch, H. (2020). Importance of tree species size dominance and heterogeneity on the productivity of spruce-fir-beech mountain forest stands in Europe. Forest Ecology and Management, 457, 117716 (12 pp.).