Towards a dendrochronologically refined date of the Laacher See eruption around 13,000 years ago

Reinig F, Cherubini P, Engels S, Esper J, Guidobaldi G, Jöris O, Lane C, Nievergelt D, Oppenheimer C, Park C, Pfanz H, Riede F, Schmincke H-U, Street M, Wacker L & Büntgen U
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Reinig, F., Cherubini, P., Engels, S., Esper, J., Guidobaldi, G., Jöris, O., … Büntgen, U. (2020). Towards a dendrochronologically refined date of the Laacher See eruption around 13,000 years ago. Quaternary Science Reviews, 229, 106128 (6 pp.).