Identification of refugia and post-glacial colonisation routes of European white oaks based on chloroplast DNA and fossil pollen evidence

Petit RJ, Brewer S, Bordács S, Burg K, Cheddadi R, Coart E, Cottrell J, Csaikl UM, van Dam B, Deans JD, Espinel S, Fineschi S, Finkeldey R, Glaz I, Goicoechea PG, Svejgaard Jensen JS, König AO, Lowe AJ, Flemming Madsen S, Mátyás G, Munro RC, Popescu F, Slade D, Tabbener H, de Vries SGM, Ziegenhagen B, de Beaulieu J-L & Kremer A
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Petit, R. J., Brewer, S., Bordács, S., Burg, K., Cheddadi, R., Coart, E., … Kremer, A. (2002). Identification of refugia and post-glacial colonisation routes of European white oaks based on chloroplast DNA and fossil pollen evidence. Forest Ecology and Management, 156(1-3), 49-74.