The Swiss Data Cube: earth observations for monitoring Switzerland's environment in space and time

Giuliani G, Peduzzi P, Chatenoux B, Richard J-P, Poussin C, Schaepman M, Small D, Steinmeier C, Psomas A & Ginzler C
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Giuliani, G., Peduzzi, P., Chatenoux, B., Richard, J. P., Poussin, C., Schaepman, M., … Ginzler, C. (2020). The Swiss Data Cube: earth observations for monitoring Switzerland's environment in space and time. In S. Nativi, C. Wang, G. Landgraf, M. A. Liberti, P. Mazzetti, & Z. S. Mohamed-Ghouse (Eds.), IOP conference series: earth and environmental science: Vol. 509. International Symposium on Digital Earth (p. 012021 (2 pp.).