Small scale environmental variation modulates plant defence syndromes of understorey plants in deciduous forests of Europe

Sanczuk P, Govaert S, Meeussen C, De Pauw K, Vanneste T, Depauw L, Moreira X, Schoelynck J, De Boevre M, De Saeger S, Bollmann K, Brunet J, Cousins SAO, Plue J, Diekmann M, Graae BJ, Hedwall P-O, Iacopetti G, Lenoir J, Orczewska A, Ponette Q, Selvi F, Spicher F, Vermeir P, Calders K, Verbeeck H, Verheyen K, Vangansbeke P & De Frenne P
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Sanczuk, P., Govaert, S., Meeussen, C., De Pauw, K., Vanneste, T., Depauw, L., … De Frenne, P. (2021). Small scale environmental variation modulates plant defence syndromes of understorey plants in deciduous forests of Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(1), 205-219.