Commodity risk assessment of Juglans regia plants from Moldova

EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH), Bragard C, Dehnen‐Schmutz K, Di Serio F, Jacques M‐A, Miret JAJ, Fejer Justesen A, MacLeod A, Magnusson CS, Milonas P, Navas‐Cortes JA, Parnell S, Potting R, Reignault PL, Thulke H‐H, Van der Werf W, Vicent Civera A, Yuen J, Zappalà L, Battisti A, Mas H, Rigling D & Gonthier P
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EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH), Bragard, C., Dehnen‐Schmutz, K., Di Serio, F., Jacques, M. ‐A., Miret, J. A. J., … Gonthier, P. (2021). Commodity risk assessment of Juglans regia plants from Moldova. EFSA Journal, 19(5), 6570 (27 pp.).