Taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of understorey plants respond differently to environmental conditions in European forest edges

De Pauw K, Meeussen C, Govaert S, Sanczuk P, Vanneste T, Bernhardt‐Römermann M, Bollmann K, Brunet J, Calders K, Cousins SAO, Diekmann M, Hedwall P‐O, Iacopetti G, Lenoir J, Lindmo S, Orczewska A, Ponette Q, Plue J, Selvi F, Spicher F, Verbeeck H, Vermeir P, Zellweger F, Verheyen K, Vangansbeke P & De Frenne P
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De Pauw, K., Meeussen, C., Govaert, S., Sanczuk, P., Vanneste, T., Bernhardt‐Römermann, M., … De Frenne, P. (2021). Taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of understorey plants respond differently to environmental conditions in European forest edges. Journal of Ecology, 109(7), 2629-2648.