Exploring the potential of Pinus heldreichii Christ for long-term climate reconstruction in Albania

Seim A, Treydte K, Büntgen U, Esper J, Fonti P, Haska H, Herzig F, Tegel W & Faust D
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Seim, A., Treydte, K., Büntgen, U., Esper, J., Fonti, P., Haska, H., … Faust, D. (2010). Exploring the potential of Pinus heldreichii Christ for long-term climate reconstruction in Albania. In T. Levanič, J. Gričar, P. Hafner, R. Krajnc, Š. Jagodic, H. Gärtner, … G. Helle (Eds.), Scientific Technical Report STR: Vol. 10/05. TRACE. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology. Volume 8. Proceedings of the dendrosymposium 2009. April 16th - 19th, 2009 in Otočec, Slovenia (pp. 75-82). GFZ.