Historical mixed-severity disturbances shape current diameter distributions of primary temperate Norway spruce mountain forests in Europe

Rodrigo R, Pettit JL, Matula R, Kozák D, Bače R, Pavlin J, Janda P, Mikoláš M, Nagel TA, Schurman J, Trotsiuk V, Vostarek O, Frankovič M, Pettit JM, Buechling A, Čada V, Begovič K, Chaskovskyy O, Teodosiu M, Saulnier M, Dušátko M, Kníř T, Kameniar O, Málek J, Synek M, Gloor R & Svoboda M
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Rodrigo, R., Pettit, J. L., Matula, R., Kozák, D., Bače, R., Pavlin, J., … Svoboda, M. (2022). Historical mixed-severity disturbances shape current diameter distributions of primary temperate Norway spruce mountain forests in Europe. Forest Ecology and Management, 503, 119772 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119772