Forest tree growth is linked to mycorrhizal fungal composition and function across Europe
Anthony MA, Crowther TW, van der Linde S, Suz LM, Bidartondo MI, Cox F, Schaub M, Rautio P, Ferretti M, Vesterdal L, De Vos B, Dettwiler M, Eickenscheidt N, Schmitz A, Meesenburg H, Andreae H, Jacob F, Dietrich H-P, Waldner P, Gessler A, Frey B, Schramm O, van den Bulk P, Hensen A & Averill C
Anthony, M. A., Crowther, T. W., van der Linde, S., Suz, L. M., Bidartondo, M. I., Cox, F., … Averill, C. (2022). Forest tree growth is linked to mycorrhizal fungal composition and function across Europe. ISME Journal, 16, 1327-1336.