Climate-change-driven growth decline of European beech forests
Martinez del Castillo E, Zang CS, Buras A, Hacket-Pain A, Esper J, Serrano-Notivoli R, Hartl C, Weigel R, Klesse S, Resco de Dios V, Scharnweber T, Dorado-Liñán I, van der Maaten-Theunissen M, van der Maaten E, Jump A, Mikac S, Banzragch BE, Beck W, Cavin L, Claessens H, Čada V, Čufar K, Dulamsuren C, Gričar J, Gil-Pelegrín E, Janda P, Kazimirovic M, Kreyling J, Latte N, Leuschner C, Longares LA, Menzel A, Merela M, Motta R, Muffler L, Nola P, Petritan AM, Petritan IC, Prislan P, Rubio-Cuadrado Á, Rydval M, Stajić B, Svoboda M, Toromani E, Trotsiuk V, Wilmking M, Zlatanov T & de Luis M
Martinez del Castillo, E., Zang, C. S., Buras, A., Hacket-Pain, A., Esper, J., Serrano-Notivoli, R., … de Luis, M. (2022). Climate-change-driven growth decline of European beech forests. Communications Biology, 5, 163 (9 pp.).