Longer and faster: intra-annual growth dynamics of Douglas fir outperform Norway spruce and silver fir over wide climatic gradients

Miller TW, Stangler DF, Larysch E, Honer H, Seifert T, Puhlmann H, von Arx G, Fonti P, Fonti MV, Rathgeber CBK & Kahle H-P
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Miller, T. W., Stangler, D. F., Larysch, E., Honer, H., Seifert, T., Puhlmann, H., … Kahle, H. P. (2022). Longer and faster: intra-annual growth dynamics of Douglas fir outperform Norway spruce and silver fir over wide climatic gradients. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 321, 108970 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.108970