European beech dieback after premature leaf senescence during the 2018 drought in northern Switzerland
Frei ER, Gossner MM, Vitasse Y, Queloz V, Dubach V, Gessler A, Ginzler C, Hagedorn F, Meusburger K, Moor M, Samblás Vives E, Rigling A, Uitentuis I, von Arx G & Wohlgemuth T
Frei, E. R., Gossner, M. M., Vitasse, Y., Queloz, V., Dubach, V., Gessler, A., … Wohlgemuth, T. (2022). European beech dieback after premature leaf senescence during the 2018 drought in northern Switzerland. Plant Biology, 24(7), 1132-1145.