Accuracy, realism and general applicability of European forest models

Mahnken M, Cailleret M, Collalti A, Trotta C, Biondo C, D'Andrea E, Dalmonech D, Marano G, Mäkelä A, Minunno F, Peltoniemi M, Trotsiuk V, Nadal-Sala D, Sabaté S, Vallet P, Aussenac R, Cameron DR, Bohn FJ, Grote R, Augustynczik ALD, Yousefpour R, Huber N, Bugmann H, Merganičová K, Merganic J, Valent P, Lasch-Born P, Hartig F, Vega del Valle ID, Volkholz J, Gutsch M, Matteucci G, Krejza J, Ibrom A, Meesenburg H, Rötzer T, van der Maaten-Theunissen M, van der Maaten E & Reyer CPO
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Mahnken, M., Cailleret, M., Collalti, A., Trotta, C., Biondo, C., D'Andrea, E., … Reyer, C. P. O. (2022). Accuracy, realism and general applicability of European forest models. Global Change Biology, 28(23), 6921-6943.