Importance of conserving large and old trees to continuity of tree-related microhabitats

Kozák D, Svitok M, Zemlerová V, Mikoláš M, Lachat T, Larrieu L, Paillet Y, Buechling A, Bače R, Keeton WS, Vítková L, Begovič K, Čada V, Dušátko M, Ferenčík M, Frankovič M, Gloor R, Hofmeister J, Janda P, Kameniar O, Kníř T, Majdanová L, Mejstřík M, Pavlin J, Ralhan D, Rodrigo R, Roibu CC, Synek M, Vostarek O & Svoboda M
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Kozák, D., Svitok, M., Zemlerová, V., Mikoláš, M., Lachat, T., Larrieu, L., … Svoboda, M. (2023). Importance of conserving large and old trees to continuity of tree-related microhabitats. Conservation Biology, 37(3), e14066 (12 pp.).