Challenges in studying water fluxes within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum: a tracer-based perspective on pathways to progress
Orlowski N, Rinderer M, Dubbert M, Ceperley N, Hrachowitz M, Gessler A, Rothfuss Y, Sprenger M, Heidbüchel I, Kübert A, Beyer M, Zuecco G & McCarter C
Orlowski, N., Rinderer, M., Dubbert, M., Ceperley, N., Hrachowitz, M., Gessler, A., … McCarter, C. (2023). Challenges in studying water fluxes within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum: a tracer-based perspective on pathways to progress. Science of the Total Environment, 881, 163510 (16 pp.).