Bioavailability of macro and micronutrients across global topsoils: main drivers and global change impacts

Ochoa-Hueso R, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Risch AC, Ashton L, Augustine D, Bélanger N, Bridgham S, Britton AJ, Bruckman VJ, Camarero JJ, Bremer E, et al.
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Ochoa-Hueso, R., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Risch, A. C., Ashton, L., Augustine, D., Bélanger, N., … Bremer, E. (2023). Bioavailability of macro and micronutrients across global topsoils: main drivers and global change impacts. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37(6), e2022GB007680 (14 pp.).