The Rosetta Stone Project - Integrating experimental results on debris flow mechanics across the scales: next results

Bowman ET, Fawley A, Kaitna R, Li S, McArdell B, McElwaine J, Sanvitale N, Take WA, Tauskela L, Taylor-Noonan A & Zhao Y
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Bowman, E. T., Fawley, A., Kaitna, R., Li, S., McArdell, B., McElwaine, J., … Zhao, Y. (2023). The Rosetta Stone Project - Integrating experimental results on debris flow mechanics across the scales: next results. In M. Pirulli, A. Leonardi, & F. Vagnon (Eds.), E3S web of conferences: Vol. 415. 8th international conference on debris flow hazard mitigation (DFHM8) (p. 02003 (4 pp.).