Quercus ilex L. dieback is genetically determined: evidence provided by dendrochronology, δ13C and SSR genotyping
Alderotti F, Sillo F, Brilli L, Bussotti F, Centritto M, Ferrini F, Gori A, Inghes R, Pasquini D, Pollastrini M, Saurer M, Cherubini P, Balestrini R & Brunetti C
Alderotti, F., Sillo, F., Brilli, L., Bussotti, F., Centritto, M., Ferrini, F., … Brunetti, C. (2023). Quercus ilex L. dieback is genetically determined: evidence provided by dendrochronology, δ13C and SSR genotyping. Science of the Total Environment, 904, 166809 (15 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166809