Unenriched xylem water contribution during cellulose synthesis influenced by atmospheric demand governs the intra‐annual tree‐ring δ18O signature
Martínez‐Sancho E, Cernusak LA, Fonti P, Gregori A, Ullrich B, Graf Pannatier E, Gessler A, Lehmann MM, Saurer M & Treydte K
Martínez‐Sancho, E., Cernusak, L. A., Fonti, P., Gregori, A., Ullrich, B., Graf Pannatier, E., … Treydte, K. (2023). Unenriched xylem water contribution during cellulose synthesis influenced by atmospheric demand governs the intra‐annual tree‐ring δ18O signature. New Phytologist, 240(5), 1743-1757. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19278