How do urban green space designs shape avian communities? Testing the area–heterogeneity trade-off
Chiron F, Lorrillière R, Bessa-Gomes C, Tryjanowski P, Casanelles-Abella J, Laanisto L, Leal A, Van Mensel A, Moretti M, Muyshondt B, Niinemets Ü, Ortí MA, Pinho P, Samson R & Deguines N
Chiron, F., Lorrillière, R., Bessa-Gomes, C., Tryjanowski, P., Casanelles-Abella, J., Laanisto, L., … Deguines, N. (2024). How do urban green space designs shape avian communities? Testing the area–heterogeneity trade-off. Landscape and Urban Planning, 242, 104954 (13 pp.).