Stillhard, J., Murzynowska, I., Projer, G., Hobi, M., & Brang, P. (2023). Sample plot inventory in the Parc naturel du Jorat 2021. Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL.
The Jorat is one of the largest continously forested areas in the Swiss Plateau. On a forested area of 778 ha, the Parc Naturel du Jorat (PNJ), a periurban parc, has been established in 2022. To document the initial state of the forest within the perimeter of the PNJ, a sample plot inventory (SPI) was carried out on 132 sample plots (SP) in winter 2021/22. The aim was to describe the condition and development of the forest structure and to compare it with the results of previous sample inventories in the same area carried out in 1994 and 2004. This report presents the results and interprets them in the context of research results from natural and virgin forests. The analysis is based on the two zones (core and buffer) of the PNJ. [...]