The biosecurity risks of international forest tree seed movements

Franić I, Cleary M, Aday Kaya AG, Bragança H, Brodal G, Cech TL, Chandelier A, Doğmuş-Lehtijärvi T, Eschen R, Lehtijärvi A, Ormsby M, Prospero S, Schwanda K, Sikora K, Szmidla H, Talgø V, Tkaczyk M, Vettraino AM & Perez-Sierra A
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Franić, I., Cleary, M., Aday Kaya, A. G., Bragança, H., Brodal, G., Cech, T. L., … Perez-Sierra, A. (2024). The biosecurity risks of international forest tree seed movements. Current Forestry Reports, 10, 89-102.