Substantial contribution of tree canopy nitrifiers to nitrogen fluxes in European forests

Guerrieri R, Cáliz J, Mattana S, Barceló A, Candela M, Elustondo D, Fortmann H, Hellsten S, Koenig N, Lindroos AJ, Matteucci G, Merilä P, Michalski G, Nicolas M, Thimonier A, Turroni S, Vanguelova E, Verstraeten A, Waldner P, Watanabe M, Casamayor EO, Peñuelas J & Mencuccini M
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Guerrieri, R., Cáliz, J., Mattana, S., Barceló, A., Candela, M., Elustondo, D., … Mencuccini, M. (2024). Substantial contribution of tree canopy nitrifiers to nitrogen fluxes in European forests. Nature Geoscience, 17, 130-136.