Decomposing drivers in avian insectivory: Large‐scale effects of climate, habitat and bird diversity
Schillé L, Valdés‐Correcher E, Archaux F, Bălăcenoiu F, Bjørn MC, Bogdziewicz M, Boivin T, Branco M, Damestoy T, de Groot M, Gossner MM, Moser V, Castagneyrol B, et al.
Schillé, L., Valdés‐Correcher, E., Archaux, F., Bălăcenoiu, F., Bjørn, M. C., Bogdziewicz, M., … Castagneyrol, B. (2024). Decomposing drivers in avian insectivory: Large‐scale effects of climate, habitat and bird diversity. Journal of Biogeography, 51(6), 1079-1094.