Warming underpins community turnover in temperate freshwater and terrestrial communities
Khaliq I, Rixen C, Zellweger F, Graham CH, Gossner MM, McFadden IR, Antão L, Brodersen J, Ghosh S, Pomati F, Seehausen O, Roth T, Sattler T, Supp SR, Riaz M, Zimmermann NE, Matthews B & Narwani A
Khaliq, I., Rixen, C., Zellweger, F., Graham, C. H., Gossner, M. M., McFadden, I. R., … Narwani, A. (2024). Warming underpins community turnover in temperate freshwater and terrestrial communities. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1921 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-46282-z