Krebs, P., Moretti, M., & Conedera, M. (2007). Castagni monumentali nella Svizzera sudalpina. Inventario e caratteristiche distributive. Sherwood, 138, 5-10.
Si presentano i risultati del censimento, in termini quantitativi e di distribuzione geografica, dei castagni monumentali presenti sul versante meridionale delle Alpi della Svizzera.
In southern Switzerland a systematic inventory of the giant chestnut individuals (tree with at teast 7 m in circumference at breast height) has been attempted for the first time. A total of 315 individuals were registered. The giant individuals are not randomly distributed being the trees concentrated in and around the mountain settlements between 670 m (lower anthropogenic limit) and 970 m a.s.l. (upper ecological limit). In addition, the trees have a very close relatìonship with human infrastructures such as rural building or traìls, highlightìng the close interconnection between humans and giant chestnut trees.