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GEODAR data and the flow regimes of snow avalanches
Köhler, A., McElwaine, J. N., & Sovilla, B. (2018). GEODAR data and the flow regimes of snow avalanches. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123(6), 1272-1294.
The intermittency regions of powder snow avalanches
Sovilla, B., McElwaine, J. N., & Köhler, A. (2018). The intermittency regions of powder snow avalanches. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123(10), 2525-2545.
Gravitational wet avalanche pressure on pylon-like structures
Sovilla, B., Faug, T., Köhler, A., Baroudi, D., Fischer, J. T., & Thibert, E. (2016). Gravitational wet avalanche pressure on pylon-like structures. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 126, 66-75.