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Effect of forest canopy structure on wintertime Land Surface Albedo: evaluating CLM5 simulations with in‐situ measurements
Malle, J., Rutter, N., Webster, C., Mazzotti, G., Wake, L., & Jonas, T. (2021). Effect of forest canopy structure on wintertime Land Surface Albedo: evaluating CLM5 simulations with in‐situ measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(9), e2020JD034118 (15 pp.).
Increasing the physical representation of forest‐snow processes in coarse‐resolution models: lessons learned from upscaling hyper‐resolution simulations
Mazzotti, G., Webster, C., Essery, R., & Jonas, T. (2021). Increasing the physical representation of forest‐snow processes in coarse‐resolution models: lessons learned from upscaling hyper‐resolution simulations. Water Resources Research, 57(5), e2020WR029064 (21 pp.).
HPEval: a canopy shortwave radiation transmission model using high-resolution hemispherical images
Jonas, T., Webster, C., Mazzotti, G., & Malle, J. (2020). HPEval: a canopy shortwave radiation transmission model using high-resolution hemispherical images. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 284, 107903 (9 pp.).
Process-level evaluation of a hyper-resolution forest snow model using distributed multi-sensor observations
Mazzotti, G., Essery, R., Webster, C., Malle, J., & Jonas, T. (2020). Process-level evaluation of a hyper-resolution forest snow model using distributed multi-sensor observations. Water Resources Research, 56(9), e2020WR027572 (25 pp.).
Resolving small‐scale forest snow patterns using an energy‐balance snow model with a 1‐layer canopy
Mazzotti, G., Essery, R., Moeser, C. D., & Jonas, T. (2020). Resolving small‐scale forest snow patterns using an energy‐balance snow model with a 1‐layer canopy. Water Resources Research, 56(1), e2019WR026129 (22 pp.).
Enhancing airborne LiDAR data for improved forest structure representation in shortwave transmission models
Webster, C., Mazzotti, G., Essery, R., & Jonas, T. (2020). Enhancing airborne LiDAR data for improved forest structure representation in shortwave transmission models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 249, 112017 (15 pp.).
Comparing aerial lidar observations with terrestrial lidar and snow‐probe transects from NASA's 2017 SnowEx campaign
Currier, W. R., Pflug, J., Mazzotti, G., Jonas, T., Deems, J. S., Bormann, K. J., … Lundquist, J. D. (2019). Comparing aerial lidar observations with terrestrial lidar and snow‐probe transects from NASA's 2017 SnowEx campaign. Water Resources Research, 55(7), 6285-6294.
Influence of spatial resolution on snow cover dynamics for a coastal and mountainous region at high latitudes (Norway)
Magnusson, J., Eisner, S., Huang, S., Lussana, C., Mazzotti, G., Essery, R., … Beldring, S. (2019). Influence of spatial resolution on snow cover dynamics for a coastal and mountainous region at high latitudes (Norway). Water Resources Research, 55(7), 5612-5630.
Shading by trees and fractional snow cover control the subcanopy radiation budget
Malle, J., Rutter, N., Mazzotti, G., & Jonas, T. (2019). Shading by trees and fractional snow cover control the subcanopy radiation budget. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(6), 3195-3207.
Revisiting snow cover variability and canopy structure within forest stands: insights from airborne lidar data
Mazzotti, G., Currier, W. R., Deems, J. S., Pflug, J. M., Lundquist, J. D., & Jonas, T. (2019). Revisiting snow cover variability and canopy structure within forest stands: insights from airborne lidar data. Water Resources Research, 55(7), 6198-6216.
Spatially continuous characterization of forest canopy structure and sub-canopy irradiance derived from handheld radiometer surveys
Mazzotti, G., Malle, J., Barr, S., & Jonas, T. (2019). Spatially continuous characterization of forest canopy structure and sub-canopy irradiance derived from handheld radiometer surveys. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 20(7), 1417-1433.