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  • (-) Funding (EC, SNSF) = Numerical avalanche forecasting - improving the temporal and spatial resolution of snow instability data
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The RHOSSA campaign: multi-resolution monitoring of the seasonal evolution of the structure and mechanical stability of an alpine snowpack
Calonne, N., Richter, B., Löwe, H., Cetti, C., ter Schure, J., Van Herwijnen, A., … Schneebeli, M. (2020). The RHOSSA campaign: multi-resolution monitoring of the seasonal evolution of the structure and mechanical stability of an alpine snowpack. Cryosphere, 14(6), 1829-1848.
Sensitivity of modeled snow stability data to meteorological input uncertainty
Richter, B., van Herwijnen, A., Rotach, M. W., & Schweizer, J. (2020). Sensitivity of modeled snow stability data to meteorological input uncertainty. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20(11), 2873-2888.
Validating modeled critical crack length for crack propagation in the snow cover model SNOWPACK
Richter, B., Schweizer, J., Rotach, M. W., & van Herwijnen, A. (2019). Validating modeled critical crack length for crack propagation in the snow cover model SNOWPACK. Cryosphere, 13(12), 3353-3366.