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The carbon balance of two contrasting mountain forest ecosystems in Switzerland: similar annual trends, but seasonal differences
Etzold, S., Ruehr, N. K., Zweifel, R., Dobbertin, M., Zingg, A., Pluess, P., … Buchmann, N. (2011). The carbon balance of two contrasting mountain forest ecosystems in Switzerland: similar annual trends, but seasonal differences. Ecosystems, 14(8), 1289-1309.
Link between continuous stem radius changes and net ecosystem productivity of a subalpine Norway spruce forest in the Swiss Alps
Zweifel, R., Eugster, W., Etzold, S., Dobbertin, M., Buchmann, N., & Häsler, R. (2010). Link between continuous stem radius changes and net ecosystem productivity of a subalpine Norway spruce forest in the Swiss Alps. New Phytologist, 187(3), 819-830.
Windschutz für junge Bäume in subalpinen Aufforstungen an stark windexponierten Wuchsorten. «Pru dal Vent» (Alp Grüm, GR)
Streule, A., & Häsler, R. (2006). Windschutz für junge Bäume in subalpinen Aufforstungen an stark windexponierten Wuchsorten. «Pru dal Vent» (Alp Grüm, GR). Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL.
Midday stomatal closure in Norway spruce - reactions in the upper and lower crown
Zweifel, R., Böhm, J. P., & Häsler, R. (2002). Midday stomatal closure in Norway spruce - reactions in the upper and lower crown. Tree Physiology, 22(15-16), 1125-1136.
D2 - Kohlenstoff- und Wasserhaushalt eines subalpinen Fichtenbestandes
Häsler, R., Plüss, P., & Streule, A. (2001). D2 - Kohlenstoff- und Wasserhaushalt eines subalpinen Fichtenbestandes. Bündnerwald, 54(2), 66-67.
B3 - Vorbau in Hochlagenaufforstungen mit ausländischen Gebirgsbaumarten?
Streule, A., & Häsler, R. (2001). B3 - Vorbau in Hochlagenaufforstungen mit ausländischen Gebirgsbaumarten? Bündnerwald, 54(2), 32-33.
B4 - Aufforstung bei extremen Windverhältnissen
Streule, A., & Häsler, R. (2001). B4 - Aufforstung bei extremen Windverhältnissen. Bündnerwald, 54(2), 34-35.
Dynamics of water storage in mature subalpine <em>Picea abies</em>: temporal and spatial patterns of change in stem radius
Zweifel, R., & Häsler, R. (2001). Dynamics of water storage in mature subalpine Picea abies: temporal and spatial patterns of change in stem radius. Tree Physiology, 21(9), 561-569.
Link between diurnal stem radius changes and tree water relations
Zweifel, R., Item, H., & Häsler, R. (2001). Link between diurnal stem radius changes and tree water relations. Tree Physiology, 21(12-13), 869-877.
Role of climate, crown position, tree age and altitude in calculated ozone flux into needles of <em>Picea abies</em> and <em>Pinus cembra</em>: a synthesis
Wieser, G., Häsler, R., Götz, B., Koch, W., & Havranek, W. M. (2000). Role of climate, crown position, tree age and altitude in calculated ozone flux into needles of Picea abies and Pinus cembra: a synthesis. Environmental Pollution, 109(3), 415-422.
Frost-induced reversible shrinkage of bark of mature subalpine conifers
Zweifel, R., & Häsler, R. (2000). Frost-induced reversible shrinkage of bark of mature subalpine conifers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 102, 213-222.
Stem radius changes and their relation to stored water in stems of young Norway spruce trees
Zweifel, R., Item, H., & Häsler, R. (2000). Stem radius changes and their relation to stored water in stems of young Norway spruce trees. Trees: Structure and Function, 15(1), 50-57.
Shoot and root growth of young <em>Larix decidua </em>in contrasting microenvironments near the alpine timberline
Häsler, R., Streule, A., & Turner, H. (1999). Shoot and root growth of young Larix decidua in contrasting microenvironments near the alpine timberline. Phyton. Annales Rei Botanicae, 39(4), 47-52.
Seasonal ozone uptake of mature evergreen conifers at different altitudes
Wieser, G., Häsler, R., Götz, B., Koch, W., & Havranek, W. M. (1999). Seasonal ozone uptake of mature evergreen conifers at different altitudes. Phyton. Annales Rei Botanicae, 39(4), 233-240.
Patterns and mechanisms of transpiration in a large subalpine Norway spruce (<i>Picea abies</i> (L.) Karst.)
Herzog, K. M., Thum, R., Kronfuss, G., Heldstab, H. J., & Häsler, R. (1998). Patterns and mechanisms of transpiration in a large subalpine Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Ecological Research, 13(2), 105-116.
Heat balance measurements - to quantify sap flow in thin stems only?
Herzog, K. M., Thum, R., Zweifel, R., & Häsler, R. (1997). Heat balance measurements - to quantify sap flow in thin stems only? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 83(1-2), 75-94.
Wald im Klimastress. Dürre, Nässe, Frost ...
Häsler, R., & Böhm, J. (1996). Wald im Klimastress. Dürre, Nässe, Frost . Wald und Holz, 77(9), 32-35.
Diurnal changes in the radius of a subalpine Norway spruce stem: their relation to the sap flow and their use to estimate transpiration
Herzog, K. M., Häsler, R., & Thum, R. (1995). Diurnal changes in the radius of a subalpine Norway spruce stem: their relation to the sap flow and their use to estimate transpiration. Trees: Structure and Function, 10(2), 94-101.
Diurnal variation in stem radii and transpiration flow at different crown levels of a Norway Spruce (<em>Picea abies</em> [L.] Karst.)
Herzog, K. M., Thum, R., & Häsler, R. (1994). Diurnal variation in stem radii and transpiration flow at different crown levels of a Norway Spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). In J. Pfadenhauer (Ed.), Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie: Vol. 23. GFOE Innsbruck 1993 (pp. 143-147). Gesellschaft für Ökologie.
Auswirkungen der Witterung auf den Wald
Häsler, R. (1992). Auswirkungen der Witterung auf den Wald. In Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (Ed.), Forum für Wissen: Vol. 1992. Waldschadenforschung in der Schweiz: Stand der Kenntnisse (pp. 137-142). Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft.