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Natural frequencies and damping ratios of Norway spruce (<em>Picea abies</em> (L.) Karst) growing on subalpine forested slopes
Jonsson, M. J., Foetzki, A., Kalberer, M., Lundström, T., Ammann, W., & Stöckli, V. (2007). Natural frequencies and damping ratios of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) growing on subalpine forested slopes. Trees: Structure and Function, 21(5), 541-548.
The root-soil system of Norway spruce subjected to turning moment: resistance as a function of rotation
Lundström, T., Jonsson, M. J., & Kalberer, M. (2007). The root-soil system of Norway spruce subjected to turning moment: resistance as a function of rotation. Plant and Soil, 300(1-2), 35-49.
Root-soil rotation stiffness of Norway spruce (<i>Picea abies</i> (L.) Karst) growing on subalpine forested slopes
Jonsson, M. J., Foetzki, A., Kalberer, M., Lundström, T., Ammann, W., & Stöckli, V. (2006). Root-soil rotation stiffness of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) growing on subalpine forested slopes. Plant and Soil, 285(1-2), 267-277.
Die mechanische Stabilität von Bäumen
Kalberer, M., Jonsson, M., Stöckli, V., & Ammann, W. (2006). Die mechanische Stabilität von Bäumen. FAN Agenda, Fachleute Naturgefahren Schweiz (1), 13-16.
Interaction between trees and natural hazards in subalpine spruce forests
Foetzki, A., Jonsson, M. J., Kalberer, M., Simon, H., & Lundström, T. (2005). Interaction between trees and natural hazards in subalpine spruce forests. In H. Gärtner, J. Esper, & G. H. Schleser (Eds.), Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Umwelt/Environment: Vol. 53. TRACE. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology. Volume 3. Proceedings of the dendrosymposium 2004. April 22nd - 24th 2004, Birmensdorf, Switzerland (pp. 54-57). Forschungszentrum Jülich.
Die mechanische Stabilität von Bäumen: das Projekt Baumstabilität des FB Naturgefahren
Foetzki, A., Jonsson, M., Kalberer, M., Simon, H., Mayer, A. C., Lundström, T., … Ammann, W. J. (2004). Die mechanische Stabilität von Bäumen: das Projekt Baumstabilität des FB Naturgefahren. In J. Roost (Ed.), Forum für Wissen: Vol. 2004. Schutzwald und Naturgefahren (pp. 35-42). Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft.