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Zur Sensitivität von Wildbachsystemen
Kienholz, H., Keller, H. M., Ammann, W., Weingartner, R., Germann, P. F., Hegg, C., … Rickenmann, D. (1998). Zur Sensitivität von Wildbachsystemen. Schlussbericht NFP 31. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH.
Forster, F., Keller, H. M., Rickenmann, D., & Röthlisberger, G. (1994). Hochwasser. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 145(1), 27-45.
Hydrology, forestry and the capercaillie - the sloping fens of Erlentobel and Zwäckentobel
Haab, R., Keller, H. M., & Hess, R. (1994). Hydrology, forestry and the capercaillie - the sloping fens of Erlentobel and Zwäckentobel. In A. Grünig (Ed.), Mires and man. Mire conservation in a densely populated country - the Swiss experience. Excursion guide and symposium proceedings of the 5th field symposium of the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG) to Switzerland 1992 (pp. 135-146). Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research.
Variability and patterns of streamflow generation during rainfall events
Burch, H. J., Forster, F., & Keller, H. M. (1993). Variability and patterns of streamflow generation during rainfall events. In Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on flow regimes from international experimental and network data (FRIEND) (p. 7 pp.).
Forster, F., Keller, H. M., Rickenmann, D., & Röthlisberger, G. (1993). Hochwasser. In Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (Ed.), Forum für Wissen: Vol. 1993. Naturgefahren (pp. 23-32). Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft.
Hydrologie und Waldwirkungen
Keller, H. M. (1992). Hydrologie und Waldwirkungen. Deutsche gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen, 36(5-6), 169-170.
Historische Hochwasser in der Schweiz - Ursachen und jahreszeitliche Verteilung
Röthlisberger, G., & Keller, H. M. (1992). Historische Hochwasser in der Schweiz - Ursachen und jahreszeitliche Verteilung. In Schutz des Lebensraumes vor Hochwasser, Muren und Lawinen: Vol. 1. Internationales Symposion "Interpraevent 1992 Bern". Tagungspublikation. Beiträge zum Themenkreis 1 (pp. 105-116). Forschungsgesellschaft für vorbeugende Hochwasserbekämpfung.
Hydrologie und Waldwirkungen
Keller, H. M. (1991). Hydrologie und Waldwirkungen. Umweltschutz in der Schweiz, 4, 46-49.
Simulating soil moisture and runoff components to estimate variability of streamflow chemistry
Keller, H. M., & Forster, F. (1991). Simulating soil moisture and runoff components to estimate variability of streamflow chemistry. In H. P. Nachtnebel & K. Kovar (Eds.), IAHS publication: Vol. 202. Hydrological basis of ecologically sound management of soil and groundwater (pp. 143-151). International Association of Hydrological Sciences.
Suspended sediments in streamwater - indicators of erosion and bed load transport in mountainous basins
Keller, H. M., & Weibel, P. (1991). Suspended sediments in streamwater - indicators of erosion and bed load transport in mountainous basins. In N. E. Peters & D. E. Walling (Eds.), IAHS publication: Vol. 203. Sediment and stream water quality in a changing environment: trends and explanation (pp. 53-61). International Association of Hydrological Sciences.
Der Wald als Wasserspeicher. <em>Ein Ausgleichsbecken der Natur</em>
Keller, H. M. (1990). Der Wald als Wasserspeicher. Ein Ausgleichsbecken der Natur. Schweizer Hotel-Journal, 20(4), 36-38.
Extreme conditions of streamwater chemistry in a partly forested mountainous region
Keller, H. M. (1990). Extreme conditions of streamwater chemistry in a partly forested mountainous region. In H. Lang & A. Musy (Eds.), IAHS publication: Vol. 193. Hydrology in mountainous regions I. Hydrological measurements. The water cycle (pp. 477-486). International Association of Hydrological Sciences.
Monitoring water and nutrient budgets in small mountain basins: Collecting data and/or understanding processes?
Keller, H. M. (1990). Monitoring water and nutrient budgets in small mountain basins: Collecting data and/or understanding processes? In J. C. Hooghart, C. W. S. Posthumus, & P. M. M. Warmerdam (Eds.), TNO Committee on Hydrological Research information: Vol. 44. Proceedings of the hydrological research basins and the environment (pp. 225-233). TNO Committee on Hydrological Research.
Deposition of atmospheric constituents at the Alpine region of Davos (Switzerland): two different approaches
Kloeti, P., Keller, H. M., Guecheva, M., Baltensperger, U., & Gloor, M. (1990). Deposition of atmospheric constituents at the Alpine region of Davos (Switzerland): two different approaches. In M. Johannessen, R. Mosello, & H. Barth (Eds.), Air pollution research report: Vol. 20. Acidification processes in remote mountain lakes. Proceedings of a workshop wich was jointly organised by the Commission fo the European Communities' Environment R&D Programme, Brussels, Belgium, and the CNR-Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia, Verbania-Pallanza, Italy, at Pallanza, Italy, 20-22 June 1989 (pp. 173-178). Commission of the European Communities.
Seasonal characteristics of flow regime and water quality in small mountainous basins
Keller, H. M. (1989). Seasonal characteristics of flow regime and water quality in small mountainous basins. In J. Křeček (Ed.), Vol. 1. Headwater control. Conference proceedings (pp. 122-129). Sine nomine.
The variability of water quality in a small mountainous region
Keller, H. M., Burch, H. J., & Guecheva, M. (1989). The variability of water quality in a small mountainous region. In IAHS publication: Vol. 182. Regional characterization of water quality (pp. 305-312). IAHS.
Über die hydrologischen Auswirkungen von Waldschäden. Was kann die Forschung dazu beitragen?
Keller, H. M. (1989). Über die hydrologischen Auswirkungen von Waldschäden. Was kann die Forschung dazu beitragen? In Informationsberichte des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft. Tagungsbericht zum Fachseminar (pp. 65-79). Bayerisches Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft.
Effects of forest canopy on throughfall precipitation chemistry
Kloeti, P., Keller, H. M., & Guecheva, M. (1989). Effects of forest canopy on throughfall precipitation chemistry. In IAHS publication: Vol. 179. Atmoepheric Deposition. Proceedings of the Baltimore symposium (pp. 203-209). IAHS.
An experimental station for the automatic recording of water and sediment discharge in a small alpine watershed
Fattorelli, S., Lenzi, M., Marchi, L., & Keller, H. M. (1988). An experimental station for the automatic recording of water and sediment discharge in a small alpine watershed. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 33(6), 607-617.
Waldforschung am Lägern-Südhang
Keller, H. M., Häsler, R., & Klöti, P. (1988). Waldforschung am Lägern-Südhang. Badener Neujahrsblätter, 63, 37-48.
