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Lassen sich hochalpine Flechtengesellschaften rekultivieren?
Orler, M., Krüsi, B. O., Marti, J., & Scheidegger, C. (2016). Lassen sich hochalpine Flechtengesellschaften rekultivieren? Ingenieurbiologie: Mitteilungsblatt, 26(3), 25-33.
Facilitation associated with three contrasting shrub species in heavily grazed pastures on the eastern Tibetan Plateau
Li, P. X., Krüsi, B. O., Li, S. L., Cai, X. H., & Yu, F. H. (2011). Facilitation associated with three contrasting shrub species in heavily grazed pastures on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Community Ecology, 12(1), 1-8.
<I>Carex sempervirens</I> tussocks induce spatial heterogeneity in litter decomposition, but not in soil properties, in a subalpine grassland in the Central Alps
Yu, F. H., Schütz, M., Page-Dumroese, D. S., Krüsi, B. O., Schneller, J., Wildi, O., & Risch, A. C. (2011). Carex sempervirens tussocks induce spatial heterogeneity in litter decomposition, but not in soil properties, in a subalpine grassland in the Central Alps. Flora, 206(4), 373-379.
Positive correlation between vegetation dissimilarity and genetic differentiation of <I>Carex sempervirens</I>
Yu, F. H., Krüsi, B. O., Schneller, J. J., Schütz, M., Tang, M., & Wildi, O. (2009). Positive correlation between vegetation dissimilarity and genetic differentiation of Carex sempervirens. Flora, 204(9), 651-657.
Plant communities affect the species-area relationship on <i>Carex sempervirens</i> tussocks
Yu, F. H., Krüsi, B., Schütz, M., Schneller, J. J., & Wildi, O. (2008). Plant communities affect the species-area relationship on Carex sempervirens tussocks. Flora, 203(3), 197-203.
Degradation of an arid coastal landscape in relation to land use changes in Southern Tenerife (Canary Islands)
Otto, R., Krüsi, B. O., & Kienast, F. (2007). Degradation of an arid coastal landscape in relation to land use changes in Southern Tenerife (Canary Islands). Journal of Arid Environments, 70(3), 527-539.
Response of a subalpine grassland to simulated grazing: aboveground productivity along soil phosphorus gradients
Thiel-Egenter, C., Risch, A. C., Jurgensen, M. F., Page-Dumroese, D. S., Krüsi, B. O., & Schütz, M. (2007). Response of a subalpine grassland to simulated grazing: aboveground productivity along soil phosphorus gradients. Community Ecology, 8(1), 111-117.
Old-field succession along a precipitation gradient in the semi-arid coastal region of Tenerife
Otto, R., Krüsi, B. O., Burga, C. A., & Fernández-Palacios, J. M. (2006). Old-field succession along a precipitation gradient in the semi-arid coastal region of Tenerife. Journal of Arid Environments, 65(1), 156-178.
Genetic variability within <i>Carex sempervirens</i> tussocks of contrasting vitality
Yu, F. H., Schneller, J. J., Krüsi, B., Schütz, M., Tang, M., & Wildi, O. (2006). Genetic variability within Carex sempervirens tussocks of contrasting vitality. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 167(3), 513-518.
Is vegetation inside <i>Carex sempervirens</i> tussocks highly specific or an image of the surrounding vegetation?
Yu, F. H., Krüsi, B., Schütz, M., Schneller, J., & Wildi, O. (2006). Is vegetation inside Carex sempervirens tussocks highly specific or an image of the surrounding vegetation? Journal of Vegetation Science, 17(5), 567-576.
Detecting successional changes in long-term empirical data from subalpine conifer forests
Risch, A., Schütz, M., Krüsi, B. O., Kienast, F., Wildi, O., & Bugmann, H. (2004). Detecting successional changes in long-term empirical data from subalpine conifer forests. Plant Ecology, 172(1), 95-105.
Spatial variation of summer diet of red deer <em>Cervus elaphus</em> in the eastern Swiss Alps
Suter, W., Suter, U., Krüsi, B., & Schütz, M. (2004). Spatial variation of summer diet of red deer Cervus elaphus in the eastern Swiss Alps. Wildlife Biology, 10(1), 43-50.
Clonal integratiion helps &lt;em&gt;Psammochloa &lt;/em&gt;villosa survive sand burial in a inland dune
Yu, F., Dong, M., & Krüsi, B. (2004). Clonal integratiion helps Psammochloa villosa survive sand burial in a inland dune. New Phytologist, 162(3), 697-704.
Long-term empirical data as a basis for the analysis of successional pathways in subalpine conifer forests
Risch, A. C., Schütz, M., Krüsi, B. O., Kienast, F., & Bugmann, H. (2003). Long-term empirical data as a basis for the analysis of successional pathways in subalpine conifer forests. Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 120(1), 59-64.
Structure and long-term development of subalpine <i>Pinus montana</i> Miller and <i>Pinus cembra</i> L. forests in the Central European Alps
Risch, A. C., Nagel, L. M., Schütz, M., Krüsi, B. O., Kienast, F., & Bugmann, H. (2003). Structure and long-term development of subalpine Pinus montana Miller and Pinus cembra L. forests in the Central European Alps. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt, 122(4), 219-230.
Impact of herbivory by red deer (&lt;em&gt;Cervus elaphus&lt;/em&gt; L.) on patterns and processes in subalpine grasslands in the Swiss National Park
Schütz, M., Risch, A., Leuzinger, E., Krüsi, B. O., & Achermann, G. (2003). Impact of herbivory by red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) on patterns and processes in subalpine grasslands in the Swiss National Park. Forest Ecology and Management, 181(1-2), 177-188.
Park Zeit
Krüsi, B. O., Risch, A. C., Schütz, M., Grämiger, H., Fili, F., & Goll, J. (2001). Park Zeit. Cratschla (2), 2-17.
Spatially specific simulation of the long-term development of a subalpine pasture in the Swiss National Park
Risch, A. C., Krüsi, B. O., Grämiger, H., & Schütz, M. (2001). Spatially specific simulation of the long-term development of a subalpine pasture in the Swiss National Park. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH, 67, 27-40.
Variation in species composition and vegetation structure of succulent scrub on Tenerife in relation to environmental variation
Rüdiger, O., Fernández-Palacios, J. M., & Krüsi, B. O. (2001). Variation in species composition and vegetation structure of succulent scrub on Tenerife in relation to environmental variation. Journal of Vegetation Science, 12(2), 237-248.
Tall-herb communities in the Swiss National Park: long-term development of the vegetation. Lägerfluren im Schweizerischen Nationalpark: langfristige Entwicklung der Vegetation
Achermann, G., Schütz, M., Krüsi, B. O., & Wildi, O. (2000). Tall-herb communities in the Swiss National Park: long-term development of the vegetation. Lägerfluren im Schweizerischen Nationalpark: langfristige Entwicklung der Vegetation. In M. Schütz, B. O. Krüsi, & P. J. Edwards (Eds.), Nationalpark-Forschung in der Schweiz: Vol. 89. Succession research in the Swiss National Park. From Braun-Blanquet's permanent plots to models of long-term ecolocial change. Sukzessionsforschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark. Von Braun-Blanquet's Dauerflächen zur Modellierung langfristiger ökologischer Entwicklungen (pp. 67-88). Research council of the Swiss National Park; WSL.