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Glacier-permafrost relations in a high-mountain environment: 5 decades of kinematic monitoring at the Gruben site, Swiss Alps
Gärtner-Roer, I., Brunner, N., Delaloye, R., Haeberli, W., Kääb, A., & Thee, P. (2022). Glacier-permafrost relations in a high-mountain environment: 5 decades of kinematic monitoring at the Gruben site, Swiss Alps. Cryosphere, 16(5), 2083-2101.
Snow depth mapping in high-alpine catchments using digital photogrammetry
Bühler, Y., Marty, M., Egli, L., Veitinger, J., Jonas, T., Thee, P., & Ginzler, C. (2015). Snow depth mapping in high-alpine catchments using digital photogrammetry. Cryosphere, 9(1), 229-243.
Accuracy assessment of airborne photogrammetrically derived high-resolution digital elevation models in a high mountain environment
Müller, J., Gärtner-Roer, I., Thee, P., & Ginzler, C. (2014). Accuracy assessment of airborne photogrammetrically derived high-resolution digital elevation models in a high mountain environment. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 98, 58-69.
Sediment storage and transfer on a periglacial mountain slope (Corvatsch, Switzerland)
Müller, J., Gärtner-Roer, I., Kenner, R., Thee, P., & Morche, D. (2014). Sediment storage and transfer on a periglacial mountain slope (Corvatsch, Switzerland). Geomorphology, 218, 35-44.
Investigation of rock and ice loss in a recently deglaciated moutain rock wall using terrestrial laser scanning: Gemsstock, Swiss Alps
Kenner, R., Phillips, M., Danioth, C., Denier, C., Thee, P., & Zgraggen, A. (2011). Investigation of rock and ice loss in a recently deglaciated moutain rock wall using terrestrial laser scanning: Gemsstock, Swiss Alps. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 67(3), 157-164.
Reanalysis of multi-temporal aerial images of Storglaciaren, Sweden (1959-99) - Part 1: determination of length, area, and volume changes
Koblet, T., Gärtner-Roer, I., Zemp, M., Jansson, P., Thee, P., Haeberli, W., & Holmlund, P. (2010). Reanalysis of multi-temporal aerial images of Storglaciaren, Sweden (1959-99) - Part 1: determination of length, area, and volume changes. Cryosphere, 4(3), 333-343.
Reanalysis of multi-temporal aerial images of Storglaciaren, Sweden (1959-99) - Part 2: comparison of glaciological and volumetric mass balances
Zemp, M., Jansson, P., Holmlund, P., Gärtner-Roer, I., Koblet, T., Thee, P., & Haeberli, W. (2010). Reanalysis of multi-temporal aerial images of Storglaciaren, Sweden (1959-99) - Part 2: comparison of glaciological and volumetric mass balances. Cryosphere, 4(3), 345-357.
High-resolution digital surface models (DSMs) for modelling fractional shrub/tree cover in a mire environment
Waser, L. T., Baltsavias, E., Ecker, K., Eisenbeiss, H., Ginzler, C., Kuechler, M., … Zhang, L. (2008). High-resolution digital surface models (DSMs) for modelling fractional shrub/tree cover in a mire environment. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(5), 1261-1276.
Change detection in Mire ecosystems: assessing changes of forest area using airborne remote sensing data
Waser, L. T., Baltsavias, E., Eisenbeiss, H., Ginzler, C., Gruen, A., Kuechler, M., & Thee, P. (2007). Change detection in Mire ecosystems: assessing changes of forest area using airborne remote sensing data. In M. Schaepman, S. Liang, N. Groot, & M. Kneubühler (Eds.), International archives of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences: Vol. 36. WG VII/1. Proceedings of the ISPRS working group VII/1 workshop ISPMSRS'07: "Physical measurements and signatures in remote sensing" (pp. 313-318).
Tree height measurements and tree growth estimation in a mire environment using digital surface models
Baltsavias, E., Gruen, A., Küchler, M., Thee, P., Waser, L. T., & Zhang, L. (2006). Tree height measurements and tree growth estimation in a mire environment using digital surface models. In T. Koukal & W. Schneider (Eds.), Proceedings. International workshop. 3D remote sensing in forestry (pp. 44-54). University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences.
Extraction of forest parameters in a mire environment using airborne spectral data and digital surface models
Waser, L. T., Ecker, K., Ginzler, C., Küchler, M., Schwarz, M., & Thee, P. (2006). Extraction of forest parameters in a mire environment using airborne spectral data and digital surface models. In T. Koukal & W. Schneider (Eds.), Proceedings. International workshop. 3D remote sensing in forestry (pp. 15-23). University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences.
Effect of timber removal from windthrow slopes on the risk of snow avalanches and rockfall
Schönenberger, W., Noack, A., & Thee, P. (2005). Effect of timber removal from windthrow slopes on the risk of snow avalanches and rockfall. Forest Ecology and Management, 213(1-3), 197-208.
Schützen Windwurfflächen vor Lawinen und Steinschlag?
Noack, A., Schönenberger, W., & Thee, P. (2004). Schützen Windwurfflächen vor Lawinen und Steinschlag? Wald und Holz, 85(10), 43-46.
Avalanche protection of windthrow areas: a ten year comparison of cleared and uncleared starting zones
Frey, W., & Thee, P. (2002). Avalanche protection of windthrow areas: a ten year comparison of cleared and uncleared starting zones. Forest Snow and Landscape Research, 77(1-2), 89-107.
Wie kommt das Moor ins GIS? Der Einsatz der Photogrammetrie bei der Wirkungskontrolle Moorbiotope Schweiz
Ginzler, C., Hägeli, M., de Laporte, K., Mauser, H., & Thee, P. (1999). Wie kommt das Moor ins GIS? Der Einsatz der Photogrammetrie bei der Wirkungskontrolle Moorbiotope Schweiz. Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik, 97(9), 483-489.
Risiken und Naturgefahren auf Windwurfflächen
Frey, W., Forster, B., Gerber, W., Graf, F., Heiniger, U., Kuhn, N., & Thee, P. (1995). Risiken und Naturgefahren auf Windwurfflächen. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 146(11), 863-872.
Wildbachverbau: Photogrammetrische Geländeauswertungen
Thee, P., Zeller, J., & Hägeli, M. (1990). Wildbachverbau: Photogrammetrische Geländeauswertungen. Berichte, Eidgenössische Anstalt für das forstliche Versuchswesen: Vol. 324. Birmensdorf: Eidgenössische Anstalt für das forstliche Versuchswesen.
Das Kartenprojekt Urwald-Reservat Bödmeren 1:2000
Thee, P., Hantke, R., Kälin, W., Leibundgut, H., & Schwarzenbach, F. H. (1987). Das Kartenprojekt Urwald-Reservat Bödmeren 1:2000. Berichte, Eidgenössische Anstalt für das forstliche Versuchswesen: Vol. 299. Birmensdorf: Eidgenössische Anstalt für das forstliche Versuchswesen.